Module Net::SSH::Test

  1. lib/net/ssh/test/channel.rb
  2. lib/net/ssh/test/extensions.rb
  3. lib/net/ssh/test/kex.rb
  4. lib/net/ssh/test/local_packet.rb
  5. lib/net/ssh/test/packet.rb
  6. lib/net/ssh/test/remote_packet.rb
  7. lib/net/ssh/test/socket.rb
  8. lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb
  9. lib/net/ssh/test.rb
  10. show all

This module may be used in unit tests, for when you want to test that your SSH state machines are really doing what you expect they are doing. You will typically include this module in your unit test class, and then build a “story” of expected sends and receives:

require 'test/unit'
require 'net/ssh/test'

class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
  include Net::SSH::Test

  def test_exec_via_channel_works
    story do |session|
      channel = session.opens_channel
      channel.sends_exec "ls"
      channel.gets_data "result of ls"

    assert_scripted do
      result = nil

      connection.open_channel do |ch|
        ch.exec("ls") do |success|
          ch.on_data { |c, data| result = data }
          ch.on_close { |c| c.close }

      assert_equal "result of ls", result

See Net::SSH::Test::Channel and Net::SSH::Test::Script for more options.

Note that the Net::SSH::Test system is rather finicky yet, and can be kind of frustrating to get working. Any suggestions for improvement will be welcome!


public instance

  1. assert_scripted
  2. connection
  3. socket
  4. story
  5. transport

Public instance methods

assert_scripted () {|| ...}

First asserts that a story has been described (see story). Then yields, and then asserts that all items described in the script have been processed. Typically, this is called immediately after a story has been built, and the SSH commands being tested are then executed within the block passed to this assertion.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test.rb, line 82
82:     def assert_scripted
83:       raise "there is no script to be processed" if
84:       yield
85:       assert, "there should not be any remaining scripted events, but there are still #{} pending"
86:     end
connection (options={})

Returns the connection session (Net::SSH::Connection::Session) for use in these tests. It is a fully functional SSH session, operating over a mock socket (socket).

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test.rb, line 66
66:     def connection(options={})
67:       @connection ||=, options)
68:     end
socket (options={})

Returns the test socket instance to use for these tests (see Net::SSH::Test::Socket).

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test.rb, line 59
59:     def socket(options={})
60:       @socket ||=
61:     end
story () {|socket.script if block_given?| ...}

If a block is given, yields the script for the test socket (socket). Otherwise, simply returns the socket’s script. See Net::SSH::Test::Script.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test.rb, line 52
52:     def story
53:       yield socket.script if block_given?
54:       return socket.script
55:     end
transport (options={})

Returns the transport session (Net::SSH::Transport::Session) for use in these tests. It is a fully functional SSH transport session, operating over a mock socket (socket).

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test.rb, line 73
73:     def transport(options={})
74:       @transport ||=[:host] || "localhost", options.merge(:kex => "test", :host_key => "ssh-rsa", :paranoid => false, :proxy => socket(options)))
75:     end