Class Net::SSH::Test::Script

  1. lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb
Parent: Object

Represents a sequence of scripted events that identify the behavior that a test expects. Methods named “sends_*” create events for packets being sent from the local to the remote host, and methods named “gets_*” create events for packets being received by the local from the remote host.

A reference to a script. is generally obtained in a unit test via the Net::SSH::Test#story helper method:

story do |script|
  channel = script.opens_channel


events [R] The list of scripted events. These will be Net::SSH::Test::LocalPacket and Net::SSH::Test::RemotePacket instances.

Public class methods

new ()

Create a new, empty script.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 25
25:     def initialize
26:       @events = []
27:     end

Public instance methods

gets (type, *args)

A convenience method for adding an arbitrary remote packet to the events list.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 56
56:     def gets(type, *args)
57:       events <<, *args)
58:     end
gets_channel_close (channel)

Scripts the reception of a channel close packet from the remote host by the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#gets_close.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 131
131:     def gets_channel_close(channel)
132:       events <<, channel.local_id)
133:     end
gets_channel_data (channel, data)

Scripts the reception of a channel data packet from the remote host by the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#gets_data.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 110
110:     def gets_channel_data(channel, data)
111:       events <<, channel.local_id, data)
112:     end
gets_channel_eof (channel)

Scripts the reception of a channel EOF packet from the remote host by the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#gets_eof.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 124
124:     def gets_channel_eof(channel)
125:       events <<, channel.local_id)
126:     end
gets_channel_request (channel, request, reply, data)

Scripts the reception of a channel request packet from the remote host by the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#gets_exit_status.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 117
117:     def gets_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data)
118:       events <<, channel.local_id, request, reply, data)
119:     end
next (mode=:shift)

By default, removes the next event in the list and returns it. However, this can also be used to non-destructively peek at the next event in the list, by passing :first as the argument.

# remove the next event and return it
event =

# peek at the next event
event =
[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 144
144:     def next(mode=:shift)
145:       events.send(mode)
146:     end
opens_channel (confirm=true)

Scripts the opening of a channel by adding a local packet sending the channel open request, and if confirm is true (the default), also adding a remote packet confirming the new channel.

A new Net::SSH::Test::Channel instance is returned, which can be used to script additional channel operations.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 35
35:     def opens_channel(confirm=true)
36:       channel =
37:       channel.remote_id = 5555
39:       events << { |p| channel.local_id = p[:remote_id] }
41:       if confirm
42:         events <<, channel.local_id, channel.remote_id, 0x20000, 0x10000)
43:       end
45:       channel
46:     end
process (packet)

Compare the given packet against the next event in the list. If there is no next event, an exception will be raised. This is called by Net::SSH::Test::Extensions::PacketStream#test_enqueue_packet.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 151
151:     def process(packet)
152:       event = events.shift or raise "end of script reached, but got a packet type #{packet.read_byte}"
153:       event.process(packet)
154:     end
sends (type, *args, &block)

A convenience method for adding an arbitrary local packet to the events list.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 50
50:     def sends(type, *args, &block)
51:       events <<, *args, &block)
52:     end
sends_channel_close (channel)

Scripts the sending of a channel close packet from the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_close.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 103
103:     def sends_channel_close(channel)
104:       events <<, channel.remote_id)
105:     end
sends_channel_data (channel, data)

Scripts the sending of a channel data packet. channel must be a Net::SSH::Test::Channel object, and data is the (string) data to expect will be sent.

This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_data.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 89
89:     def sends_channel_data(channel, data)
90:       events <<, channel.remote_id, data)
91:     end
sends_channel_eof (channel)

Scripts the sending of a channel EOF packet from the given Net::SSH::Test::Channel channel. This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_eof.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 96
96:     def sends_channel_eof(channel)
97:       events <<, channel.remote_id)
98:     end
sends_channel_request (channel, request, reply, data, success=true)

Scripts the sending of a new channel request packet to the remote host. channel should be an instance of Net::SSH::Test::Channel. request is a string naming the request type to send, reply is a boolean indicating whether a response to this packet is required , and data is any additional request-specific data that this packet should send. success indicates whether the response (if one is required) should be success or failure.

If a reply is desired, a remote packet will also be queued, :channel_success if success is true, or :channel_failure if success is false.

This will typically be called via Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_exec or Net::SSH::Test::Channel#sends_subsystem.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/test/script.rb, line 73
73:     def sends_channel_request(channel, request, reply, data, success=true)
74:       events <<, channel.remote_id, request, reply, data)
75:       if reply
76:         if success
77:           events <<, channel.local_id)
78:         else
79:           events <<, channel.local_id)
80:         end
81:       end
82:     end