Class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Name
In: lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb
Parent: Object

Represents a single named item on the remote server. This includes the name, attributes about the item, and the "longname", which is intended for use when displaying directory data, and has no specified format.


directory?   file?   new   symlink?  


attributes  [R]  The Attributes object describing this item.
longname  [R]  The display-ready name of the item, possibly with other attributes.
name  [R]  The name of the item on the remote server.

Public Class methods

Create a new Name object with the given name, longname, and attributes.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb, line 17
17:     def initialize(name, longname, attributes)
18:       @name, @longname, @attributes = name, longname, attributes
19:     end

Public Instance methods

Returns true if the item appears to be a directory. It does this by examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb, line 24
24:     def directory?
26:     end

Returns true if the item appears to be a regular file. It does this by examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb, line 38
38:     def file?
39:       attributes.file?
40:     end

Returns true if the item appears to be a symlink. It does this by examining the attributes. If there is insufficient information in the attributes, this will return nil, rather than a boolean.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/name.rb, line 31
31:     def symlink?
32:       attributes.symlink?
33:     end
