Class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V01::Attributes
In: lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb
Parent: Object

A class representing the attributes of a file or directory on the server. It may be used to specify new attributes, or to query existing attributes.

To specify new attributes, just pass a hash as the argument to the constructor. The following keys are supported:

  • :size:: the size of the file
  • :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
  • :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
  • :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
  • :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
  • :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
  • :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  • :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  • :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info

Likewise, when the server sends an Attributes object, all of the above attributes are exposed as methods (though not all will be set with non-nil values from the server).


directory?   file?   from_buffer   gid   group   new   owner   symbolic_type   symlink?   to_s   type   uid  


F_SIZE = 0x00000001
F_UIDGID = 0x00000002
F_PERMISSIONS = 0x00000004
F_ACMODTIME = 0x00000008
F_EXTENDED = 0x80000000
T_FIFO = 9


atime  [RW]  The last access time of the file
attributes  [R]  The hash of name/value pairs that backs this Attributes instance
extended  [RW]  The hash of name/value pairs identifying extended information about the file
gid  [W]  The group-id of the user that owns the file
mtime  [RW]  The modification time of the file
permissions  [RW]  The permissions on the file
size  [RW]  The size of the file.
uid  [W]  The user-id of the user that owns the file

Public Class methods

Parses the given buffer and returns an Attributes object compsed from the data extracted from it.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 59
59:       def from_buffer(buffer)
60:         flags = buffer.read_long
61:         data = {}
63:         elements.each do |name, type, condition|
64:           if flags & condition == condition
65:             if type == :special
66:               data[name] = send("parse_#{name}", buffer)
67:             else
68:               data[name] = buffer.send("read_#{type}")
69:             end
70:           end
71:         end
73:         new(data)
74:       end

Create a new Attributes instance with the given attributes. The following keys are supported:

  • :size:: the size of the file
  • :uid:: the user-id that owns the file (integer)
  • :gid:: the group-id that owns the file (integer)
  • :owner:: the name of the user that owns the file (string)
  • :group:: the name of the group that owns the file (string)
  • :permissions:: the permissions on the file (integer, e.g. 0755)
  • :atime:: the access time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  • :mtime:: the modification time of the file (integer, seconds since epoch)
  • :extended:: a hash of name/value pairs identifying extended info


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 154
154:     def initialize(attributes={})
155:       @attributes = attributes
156:     end

Public Instance methods

Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a directory.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 246
246:     def directory?
247:       case type
248:       when T_DIRECTORY then true
249:       when T_UNKNOWN   then nil
250:       else false
251:       end
252:     end

Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a regular file.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 264
264:     def file?
265:       case type
266:       when T_REGULAR then true
267:       when T_UNKNOWN then nil
268:       else false
269:       end
270:     end

Returns the group-id of the group that owns the file, or nil if that information is not available. If a :group key exists, but not a :gid key, the Etc module will be used to reverse lookup the id from the name. This might fail on some systems (e.g., Windows).


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 174
174:     def gid
175:       if attributes[:group] && !attributes.key?(:gid)
176:         require 'etc'
177:         attributes[:gid] = Etc.getgrnam(attributes[:group]).gid
178:       end
179:       attributes[:gid]
180:     end

Returns the group name of the group that owns the file, or nil if that information is not available. If the :gid is given, but not the :group, the Etc module will be used to lookup the name from the id. This might fail on some systems (e.g. Windows).


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 198
198:     def group
199:       if attributes[:gid] && !attributes[:group]
200:         require 'etc'
201:         attributes[:group] = Etc.getgrgid(attributes[:gid].to_i).name
202:       end
203:       attributes[:group]
204:     end

Returns the username of the user that owns the file, or nil if that information is not available. If the :uid is given, but not the :owner, the Etc module will be used to lookup the name from the id. This might fail on some systems (e.g. Windows).


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 186
186:     def owner
187:       if attributes[:uid] && !attributes[:owner]
188:         require 'etc'
189:         attributes[:owner] = Etc.getpwuid(attributes[:uid].to_i).name
190:       end
191:       attributes[:owner]
192:     end

Returns the type as a symbol, rather than an integer, for easier use in Ruby programs.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 230
230:     def symbolic_type
231:       case type
232:       when T_SOCKET       then :socket
233:       when T_SYMLINK      then :symlink
234:       when T_REGULAR      then :regular
235:       when T_BLOCK_DEVICE then :block_device
236:       when T_DIRECTORY    then :directory
237:       when T_CHAR_DEVICE  then :char_device
238:       when T_FIFO         then :fifo
239:       when T_SPECIAL      then :special
240:       when T_UNKNOWN      then :unknown
241:       else raise NotImplementedError, "unknown file type #{type} (bug?)"
242:       end
243:     end

Returns true if these attributes appear to describe a symlink.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 255
255:     def symlink?
256:       case type
257:       when T_SYMLINK then true
258:       when T_UNKNOWN then nil
259:       else false
260:       end
261:     end

Convert the object to a string suitable for passing in an SFTP packet. This is the raw representation of the attribute packet payload, and is not intended to be human readable.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 275
275:     def to_s
276:       prepare_serialization!
278:       flags = 0
280:       self.class.elements.each do |name, type, condition|
281:         flags |= condition if attributes[name]
282:       end
284:       buffer = Net::SSH::Buffer.from(:long, flags)
285:       self.class.elements.each do |name, type, condition|
286:         if flags & condition == condition
287:           if type == :special
288:             send("encode_#{name}", buffer)
289:           else
290:             buffer.send("write_#{type}", attributes[name])
291:           end
292:         end
293:       end
295:       buffer.to_s
296:     end

Inspects the permissions bits to determine what type of entity this attributes object represents. If will return one of the T_ constants.


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 208
208:     def type
209:       if    permissions & 0140000 == 0140000 then 
210:         T_SOCKET
211:       elsif permissions & 0120000 == 0120000 then 
212:         T_SYMLINK
213:       elsif permissions & 0100000 == 0100000 then
214:         T_REGULAR
215:       elsif permissions &  060000 ==  060000 then
216:         T_BLOCK_DEVICE
217:       elsif permissions &  040000 ==  040000 then
218:         T_DIRECTORY
219:       elsif permissions &  020000 ==  020000 then
220:         T_CHAR_DEVICE
221:       elsif permissions &  010000 ==  010000 then
222:         T_FIFO
223:       else
224:         T_UNKNOWN
225:       end
226:     end

Returns the user-id of the user that owns the file, or nil if that information is not available. If an :owner key exists, but not a :uid key, the Etc module will be used to reverse lookup the id from the name. This might fail on some systems (e.g., Windows).


     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 162
162:     def uid
163:       if attributes[:owner] && !attributes.key?(:uid)
164:         require 'etc'
165:         attributes[:uid] = Etc.getpwnam(attributes[:owner]).uid
166:       end
167:       attributes[:uid]
168:     end
