class Net::SSH::Transport::Kex::DiffieHellmanGroup1SHA1

  1. lib/net/ssh/transport/kex/diffie_hellman_group1_sha1.rb
Parent: Kex

A key-exchange service implementing the "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" key-exchange algorithm.


Public Class

  1. new

Public Instance

  1. algorithms
  2. connection
  3. data
  4. dh
  5. digester
  6. exchange_keys
  7. g
  8. p

Included modules

  1. Constants
  2. Loggable


G = 2  

The group constant

P_r = 16  

The radix in which P_s represents the value of P

P_s = "FFFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF" "C90FDAA2" "2168C234" + "C4C6628B" "80DC1CD1" "29024E08" "8A67CC74" + "020BBEA6" "3B139B22" "514A0879" "8E3404DD" + "EF9519B3" "CD3A431B" "302B0A6D" "F25F1437" + "4FE1356D" "6D51C245" "E485B576" "625E7EC6" + "F44C42E9" "A637ED6B" "0BFF5CB6" "F406B7ED" + "EE386BFB" "5A899FA5" "AE9F2411" "7C4B1FE6" + "49286651" "ECE65381" "FFFFFFFF" "FFFFFFFF"  

The value of 'P', as a string, in hexadecimal


algorithms [R]
connection [R]
data [R]
dh [R]
digester [R]
g [R]
p [R]

Public Class methods

new (algorithms, connection, data)

Create a new instance of the DiffieHellmanGroup1SHA1 algorithm. The data is a Hash of symbols representing information required by this algorithm, which was acquired during earlier processing.

[show source]
# File lib/net/ssh/transport/kex/diffie_hellman_group1_sha1.rb, line 42
def initialize(algorithms, connection, data)
  @p = get_p
  @g = get_g

  @digester = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1
  @algorithms = algorithms
  @connection = connection

  @data = data.dup
  @dh = generate_key
  @logger = @data.delete(:logger)

Public Instance methods

exchange_keys ()

Perform the key-exchange for the given session, with the given data. This method will return a hash consisting of the following keys:

  • :session_id

  • :server_key

  • :shared_secret

  • :hashing_algorithm

The caller is expected to be able to understand how to use these deliverables.

[show source]
# File lib/net/ssh/transport/kex/diffie_hellman_group1_sha1.rb, line 66
def exchange_keys
  result = send_kexinit
  session_id = verify_signature(result)

  return { :session_id        => session_id, 
           :server_key        => result[:server_key],
           :shared_secret     => result[:shared_secret],
           :hashing_algorithm => digester }