Module Net::SSH::PromptMethods::Termios

  1. lib/net/ssh/prompt.rb

Defines the prompt method to use if the Termios library is installed.


public instance

  1. prompt

Public instance methods

prompt (prompt, echo=true)

Displays the prompt to $stdout. If echo is false, the Termios library will be used to disable keystroke echoing for the duration of this method.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/prompt.rb, line 27
27:       def prompt(prompt, echo=true)
28:         $stdout.print(prompt)
29:         $stdout.flush
31:         set_echo(false) unless echo
32:         $stdin.gets.chomp
33:       ensure
34:         if !echo
35:           set_echo(true)
36:           $stdout.puts
37:         end
38:       end