Module Net::SSH::BufferedIo

  1. lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb

This module is used to extend sockets and other IO objects, to allow them to be buffered for both read and write. This abstraction makes it quite easy to write a select-based event loop (see Net::SSH::Connection::Session#listen_to).

The general idea is that instead of calling read directly on an IO that has been extended with this module, you call fill (to add pending input to the internal read buffer), and then read_available (to read from that buffer). Likewise, you don’t call write directly, you call enqueue to add data to the write buffer, and then send_pending or wait_for_pending_sends to actually send the data across the wire.

In this way you can easily use the object as an argument to, calling fill when it is available for read, or send_pending when it is available for write, and then call enqueue and read_available during the idle times.

socket =, port)


ssh.loop do
  if socket.available > 0
    puts socket.read_available

Note that this module must be used to extend an instance, and should not be included in a class. If you do want to use it via an include, then you must make sure to invoke the private initialize_buffered_io method in your class’ initialize method:

class Foo < IO
  include Net::SSH::BufferedIo

  def initialize
    # ...

Included modules

  1. Loggable

Public instance methods

available ()

Returns the number of bytes available to be read from the input buffer. (See read_available.)

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 79
79:     def available
80:       input.available
81:     end
enqueue (data)

Enqueues data in the output buffer, to be written when send_pending is called. Note that the data is not sent immediately by this method!

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 85
85:     def enqueue(data)
86:       output.append(data)
87:     end
fill (n=8192)

Tries to read up to n bytes of data from the remote end, and appends the data to the input buffer. It returns the number of bytes read, or 0 if no data was available to be read.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 63
63:     def fill(n=8192)
64:       input.consume!
65:       data = recv(n)
66:       debug { "read #{data.length} bytes" }
67:       input.append(data)
68:       return data.length
69:     end
pending_write? ()

Returns true if there is data waiting in the output buffer, and false otherwise.

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 91
91:     def pending_write?
92:       output.length > 0
93:     end
read_available (length=nil)

Read up to length bytes from the input buffer. If length is nil, all available data is read from the buffer. (See available.)

[show source]
    # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 73
73:     def read_available(length=nil)
74: || available)
75:     end
send_pending ()

Sends as much of the pending output as possible. Returns true if any data was sent, and false otherwise.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 97
 97:     def send_pending
 98:       if output.length > 0
 99:         sent = send(output.to_s, 0)
100:         debug { "sent #{sent} bytes" }
101:         output.consume!(sent)
102:         return sent > 0
103:       else
104:         return false
105:       end
106:     end
wait_for_pending_sends ()

Calls send_pending repeatedly, if necessary, blocking until the output buffer is empty.

[show source]
     # File lib/net/ssh/buffered_io.rb, line 110
110:     def wait_for_pending_sends
111:       send_pending
112:       while output.length > 0
113:         result = Net::SSH::Compat.io_select(nil, [self]) or next
114:         next unless result[1].any?
115:         send_pending
116:       end
117:     end