Class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Base
In: lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb
Parent: V03::Base

Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 4 of the SFTP protocol. Also implements the updated FXP_NAME packet parsing as mandated by v4 of the protocol.

None of these protocol methods block—all of them return immediately, requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is pending.

You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.



DEFAULT_FLAGS = Attributes::F_SIZE | Attributes::F_PERMISSIONS | Attributes::F_ACCESSTIME | Attributes::F_CREATETIME | Attributes::F_MODIFYTIME | Attributes::F_ACL | Attributes::F_OWNERGROUP | Attributes::F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | Attributes::F_EXTENDED   The default flags used if the flags parameter is nil for any of the stat, lstat, or fstat operations.

Public Instance methods

Sends a FXP_FSTAT packet to the server for the given path, and with the given flags. If flags is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS | F_ACCESSTIME | F_CREATETIME | F_MODIFYTIME | F_ACL | F_OWNERGROUP | F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes for those constants).


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 63
63:     def fstat(handle, flags=nil)
64:       send_request(FXP_FSTAT, :string, handle, :long, flags || DEFAULT_FLAGS)
65:     end

Sends a FXP_LSTAT packet to the server for the given path, and with the given flags. If flags is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS | F_ACCESSTIME | F_CREATETIME | F_MODIFYTIME | F_ACL | F_OWNERGROUP | F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes for those constants).


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 54
54:     def lstat(path, flags=nil)
55:       send_request(FXP_LSTAT, :string, path, :long, flags || DEFAULT_FLAGS)
56:     end

As of v4 of the SFTP protocol, the "longname" member was removed from the FXP_NAME structure. This method is essentially the same as the previous implementation, but omits longname.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 28
28:     def parse_name_packet(packet)
29:       names = []
31:       packet.read_long.times do
32:         filename = packet.read_string
33:         attrs    = attribute_factory.from_buffer(packet)
34:         names   <<, attrs)
35:       end
37:       { :names => names }
38:     end

Sends a FXP_STAT packet to the server for the given path, and with the given flags. If flags is nil, it defaults to F_SIZE | F_PERMISSIONS | F_ACCESSTIME | F_CREATETIME | F_MODIFYTIME | F_ACL | F_OWNERGROUP | F_SUBSECOND_TIMES | F_EXTENDED (see Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes for those constants).


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 45
45:     def stat(path, flags=nil)
46:       send_request(FXP_STAT, :string, path, :long, flags || DEFAULT_FLAGS)
47:     end

Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (4, in this case)


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 21
21:     def version
22:       4
23:     end

Protected Instance methods

Returns the Attributes class used by this version of the protocol (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Attributes, in this case)


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 83
83:       def attribute_factory
84:         V04::Attributes
85:       end

Returns the Name class used by this version of the protocol (Net::SFTP::Protocol::V04::Name, in this case)


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/04/base.rb, line 89
89:       def name_factory
90:         V04::Name
91:       end
