Class Net::SFTP::Protocol::V02::Base
In: lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb
Parent: V01::Base

Wraps the low-level SFTP calls for version 2 of the SFTP protocol.

None of these protocol methods block—all of them return immediately, requiring the SSH event loop to be run while the server response is pending.

You will almost certainly never need to use this driver directly. Please see Net::SFTP::Session for the recommended interface.


rename   version  

Public Instance methods

Sends a FXP_RENAME packet to the server to request that the file or directory with the given name (must be a full path) be changed to new_name (which must also be a path). The flags parameter is ignored in this version of the protocol.


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb, line 25
25:     def rename(name, new_name, flags=nil)
26:       send_request(FXP_RENAME, :string, name, :string, new_name)
27:     end

Returns the protocol version implemented by this driver. (2, in this case)


    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/02/base.rb, line 17
17:     def version
18:       2
19:     end
