Class Net::SFTP::Operations::Dir
In: lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb
Parent: Object

A convenience class for working with remote directories. It provides methods for searching and enumerating directory entries, similarly to the standard ::Dir class.

  sftp.dir.foreach("/remote/path") do |entry|

  p sftp.dir.entries("/remote/path").map { |e| }

  sftp.dir.glob("/remote/path", "**/*.rb") do |entry|


[]   entries   foreach   glob   new  


sftp  [R]  The SFTP session object that drives this directory factory.

Public Class methods

Create a new instance on top of the given SFTP session instance.


    # File lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb, line 23
23:     def initialize(sftp)
24:       @sftp = sftp
25:     end

Public Instance methods

Identical to calling glob with a flags parameter of 0 and no block. Simply returns the matched entries as an array.


    # File lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb, line 88
88:     def [](path, pattern)
89:       glob(path, pattern, 0)
90:     end

Returns an array of Name objects representing the items in the given remote directory, path.


    # File lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb, line 42
42:     def entries(path)
43:       results = []
44:       foreach(path) { |entry| results << entry }
45:       return results
46:     end

Calls the block once for each entry in the named directory on the remote server. Yields a Name object to the block, rather than merely the name of the entry.


    # File lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb, line 30
30:     def foreach(path)
31:       handle = sftp.opendir!(path)
32:       while entries = sftp.readdir!(handle)
33:         entries.each { |entry| yield entry }
34:       end
35:       return nil
36:     ensure
37:       sftp.close!(handle) if handle
38:     end

Works as ::Dir.glob, matching (possibly recursively) all directory entries under path against pattern. If a block is given, matches will be yielded to the block as they are found; otherwise, they will be returned in an array when the method finishes.

Because working over an SFTP connection is always going to be slower than working purely locally, don‘t expect this method to perform with the same level of alacrity that ::Dir.glob does; it will work best for shallow directory hierarchies with relatively few directories, though it should be able to handle modest numbers of files in each directory.


    # File lib/net/sftp/operations/dir.rb, line 58
58:     def glob(path, pattern, flags=0)
59:       flags |= ::File::FNM_PATHNAME
60:       path = path.chop if path[-1,1] == "/"
62:       results = [] unless block_given?
63:       queue = entries(path).reject { |e| == "." || == ".." }
64:       while queue.any?
65:         entry = queue.shift
67:         if && !%w(. ..).include?(::File.basename(
68:           queue += entries("#{path}/#{}").map do |e|
69:   "#{}/#{}")
70:             e
71:           end
72:         end
74:         if ::File.fnmatch(pattern,, flags)
75:           if block_given?
76:             yield entry
77:           else
78:             results << entry
79:           end
80:         end
81:       end
83:       return results unless block_given?
84:     end
