A class representing the attributes of a file or directory on the server. It may be used to specify new attributes, or to query existing attributes.

F_SIZE = 0x00000001
F_UIDGID = 0x00000002
F_PERMISSIONS = 0x00000004
F_ACMODTIME = 0x00000008
F_EXTENDED = 0x80000000
[RW] atime
[RW] extended
[RW] gid
[RW] mtime
[RW] permissions
[RW] size
[RW] uid
Public Class methods

Returns the buffer factory for this class.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 48
48:     def self.buffers
49:       @buffers
50:     end

Create a new, empty Attributes object.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 58
58:     def self.empty
59:       new
60:     end
from_buffer( buffer )

Create a new Attributes object, initialized from the given buffer.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 63
63:     def self.from_buffer( buffer )
64:       flags = buffer.read_long
66:       size = buffer.read_int64 if ( flags & F_SIZE ) != 0
67:       uid = buffer.read_long if ( flags & F_UIDGID ) != 0
68:       gid = buffer.read_long if ( flags & F_UIDGID ) != 0
69:       permissions = buffer.read_long if ( flags & F_PERMISSIONS ) != 0
70:       atime = buffer.read_long if ( flags & F_ACMODTIME ) != 0
71:       mtime = buffer.read_long if ( flags & F_ACMODTIME ) != 0
73:       if ( flags & F_EXTENDED ) != 0
74:         extended = Hash.new
75:         buffer.read_long.times do
76:           extended[ buffer.read_string ] = buffer.read_string
77:         end
78:       end
80:       new( size, uid, gid, permissions, atime, mtime, extended )
81:     end
from_hash( hash )

Create a new attributes object, initialized from the given hash. The :owner and :group attributes are treated specially; they are not actually supported by this version of the protocol, but are instead converted by this method to their corresponding id numbers, and assigned (respectively) to :uid and :gid.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 88
 88:     def self.from_hash( hash )
 89:       if hash[:owner]
 90:         require 'etc'
 91:         hash[:uid] = Etc.getpwnam( hash[:owner] ).uid
 92:       end
 94:       if hash[:group]
 95:         require 'etc'
 96:         hash[:gid] = Etc.getgrnam( hash[:group] ).gid
 97:       end
 99:       new hash[:size], hash[:uid], hash[:gid], hash[:permissions],
100:         hash[:atime], hash[:mtime], hash[:extended]
101:     end
init( buffers )

An initialization routine, to grant the class (factory) access to a buffer factory. The buffer factory is used by the class’ to_s method to encode the object’s attributes.

This returns self, making it suitable for chaining.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 42
42:     def self.init( buffers )
43:       @buffers = buffers
44:       self
45:     end
new( size=nil, uid=nil, gid=nil, permissions=nil, atime=nil, mtime=nil, extended=nil )

Create a new Attributes with the given attributes.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 106
106:     def initialize( size=nil, uid=nil, gid=nil, permissions=nil,
107:       atime=nil, mtime=nil, extended=nil )
108:     # begin
109:       @size = size
110:       @uid = uid
111:       @gid = gid
112:       @permissions = permissions
113:       @atime = atime
114:       @mtime = mtime
115:       @extended = extended
116:     end
Public Instance methods

Returns the buffer factory for the object’s class.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 53
53:     def buffers
54:       self.class.buffers
55:     end

Convert the object to a string suitable for passing in an SFTP packet.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/attributes.rb, line 120
120:     def to_s
121:       flags = 0
123:       flags |= F_SIZE if @size
124:       flags |= F_UIDGID if @uid && @gid
125:       flags |= F_PERMISSIONS if @permissions
126:       flags |= F_ACMODTIME if @atime && @mtime
127:       flags |= F_EXTENDED if @extended
129:       buffer = buffers.writer
130:       buffer.write_long flags
131:       buffer.write_int64 @size if @size
132:       buffer.write_long @uid, @gid if @uid && @gid
133:       buffer.write_long @permissions if @permissions
134:       buffer.write_long @atime, @mtime if @atime && @mtime
136:       if @extended
137:         buffer.write_long @extended.size
138:         @extended.each { |k,v| buffer.write_string k, v }
139:       end
141:       buffer.to_s
142:     end