The implementing class for version 1 of the SFTP protocol. It implements the various operations and callbacks available to this level of the protocol. Other protocol versions will typically extend this class, adding (or modifying) methods as needed to bring the implementation into sync with the needed version.

Included Modules
Name = :filename, :longname, :attributes )
F_READ = 0x00000001
F_WRITE = 0x00000002
F_APPEND = 0x00000004
F_CREAT = 0x00000008
F_TRUNC = 0x00000010
F_EXCL = 0x00000020
[R] attr_factory The attribute-factory used by this dispatcher.
[R] driver The protocol driver that drives this dispatcher.
[RW] extensions The protocol extensions specified when the protocol version was negotiated.
Public Class methods
callback( *names )

A helper method for registering new callbacks. Each callback will cause three new methods to be created, on_name, has_on_name?, and call_on_name. The on_name method may be used to register a block for the corresponding callback.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 80
80:     def self.callback( *names )
81:       names.each do |name|
82:         class_eval "def on_\#{name}( &block )\n@on_\#{name} = block\nend\n\ndef has_on_\#{name}?\nnot @on_\#{name}.nil?\nend\n\ndef call_on_\#{name}( *args )\nreturn unless @on_\#{name}\n@on_\#{name}.call( *args )\nend\n\npublic :on_\#{name}\nprotected :has_on_\#{name}?, :call_on_\#{name}\n", __FILE__, __LINE__+1
83:       end
84:     end
new( buffers, driver, assistant, attr_factory )

Create a new instance using the given protocol driver, packet assistant, and attributes factory.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 44
44:     def initialize( buffers, driver, assistant, attr_factory )
45:       @buffers = buffers
46:       @driver = driver
47:       @assistant = assistant
48:       @attr_factory = attr_factory
49:       @on_status = nil
50:       @on_handle = nil
51:       @on_data = nil
52:       @on_name = nil
53:       @on_attrs = nil
54:     end
operation( *names )

A helper method for defining new operations supported by this implementation. This will create one method for each named operation. By default, the method simply formats the packet (using the packet assistant), and then sends the data via the driver. It will then return the request id used for this operation.

    # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 61
61:     def self.operation( *names )
62:       names.each do |name|
63:         const = "FXP_#{name.to_s.upcase}"
64:         class_eval "def \#{name}( id, *args )\nid, packet = @assistant.\#{name}( id, *args )\n@driver.send_data \#{const}, packet\nid\nend\n", __FILE__, __LINE__+1
65:       end
66:     end
Public Instance methods
dispatch( channel, type, content )

Dispatches the given packet type to the appropriate handler method. If a new protocol version adds a new packet type, it should override this method, performing its own checking first, followed by calling super.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 189
189:     def dispatch( channel, type, content )
190:       case type
191:         when FXP_STATUS then do_status( channel, content )
192:         when FXP_HANDLE then do_handle( channel, content )
193:         when FXP_DATA   then do_data( channel, content )
194:         when FXP_NAME   then do_name( channel, content )
195:         when FXP_ATTRS  then do_attrs( channel, content )
196:         else
197:           raise Net::SFTP::Exception,
198:             "unsupported SFTP packet type #{type} (#{content.to_s.inspect})"
199:       end
200:     end
do_attrs( channel, content )

Used internally to handle attrs packets. The on_attrs callback is invoked, if registered, with the driver, id, and attribute object.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 244
244:     def do_attrs( channel, content )
245:       return unless has_on_attrs?
246:       id = content.read_long
247:       attrs = @attr_factory.from_buffer( content )
248:       call_on_attrs( driver, id, attrs )
249:     end
do_data( channel, content )

Used internally to handle data packets. The on_data callback is invoked, if registered, with the driver, id, and data (as a buffer).

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 222
222:     def do_data( channel, content )
223:       return unless has_on_data?
224:       id = content.read_long
225:       data = content.read_string
226:       call_on_data( driver, id, data )
227:     end
do_handle( channel, content )

Used internally to handle handle packets. The on_handle callback is invoked, if registered, with the driver, id, and handle.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 213
213:     def do_handle( channel, content )
214:       return unless has_on_handle?
215:       id = content.read_long
216:       handle = content.read_string
217:       call_on_handle( driver, id, handle )
218:     end
do_name( channel, content )

Used internally to handle name packets. The on_name callback is invoked, if registered, with the driver, id, and array of items.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 231
231:     def do_name( channel, content )
232:       return unless has_on_name?
233:       id = content.read_long
234:       items = []
235:       content.read_long.times do
236:         items.push( content.read_string, content.read_string,
237:           @attr_factory.from_buffer( content ) ) )
238:       end
239:       call_on_name( driver, id, items )
240:     end
do_status( channel, content )

Used internally to handle status packets. The on_status callback is invoked, if registered, with the driver, id, and code.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 204
204:     def do_status( channel, content )
205:       return unless has_on_status?
206:       id = content.read_long
207:       code = content.read_long
208:       call_on_status( driver, id, code, nil, nil )
209:     end
fstat( id, handle, flags=nil )

The fstat operation is special, since later versions of the protocol add support for ‘flags’. These flags are ignored in this version, but the parameter exists to allow a program written for one version of the protocol to work with later versions.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 181
181:     def fstat( id, handle, flags=nil )
182:       fstat_raw id, handle
183:     end
lstat( id, filename, flags=nil )

The lstat operation is special, since later versions of the protocol add support for ‘flags’. These flags are ignored in this version, but the parameter exists to allow a program written for one version of the protocol to work with later versions.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 173
173:     def lstat( id, filename, flags=nil )
174:       lstat_raw id, filename
175:     end
open( id, path, flags, mode=0660 )

The open operation is special, since it protects the caller from the specific flags and options required by SFTP. Instead, the caller simply specifies a combination of IO flags, and an appropriate posix mode, and they are translated into the correct SFTP flags.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 143
143:     def open( id, path, flags, mode=0660 )
144:       sftp_flags = case
145:         when ( flags & IO::WRONLY ) != 0 then F_WRITE
146:         when ( flags & IO::RDWR   ) != 0 then F_READ | F_WRITE
147:         when ( flags & IO::APPEND ) != 0 then F_APPEND
148:         else F_READ
149:       end
151:       sftp_flags |= F_CREAT if ( flags & IO::CREAT ) != 0
152:       sftp_flags |= F_TRUNC if ( flags & IO::TRUNC ) != 0
153:       sftp_flags |= F_EXCL  if ( flags & IO::EXCL  ) != 0
155:       attributes = @attr_factory.empty
156:       attributes.permissions = mode
158:       open_raw id, path, sftp_flags, attributes
159:     end
stat( id, filename, flags=nil )

The stat operation is special, since later versions of the protocol add support for ‘flags’. These flags are ignored in this version, but the parameter exists to allow a program written for one version of the protocol to work with later versions.

     # File lib/net/sftp/protocol/01/impl.rb, line 165
165:     def stat( id, filename, flags=nil )
166:       stat_raw id, filename
167:     end