class Net::SSH::Verifiers::Secure

  1. lib/net/ssh/verifiers/secure.rb
Parent: Verifiers

Does a strict host verification, looking the server up in the known host files to see if a key has already been seen for this server. If this server does not appear in any host file, an exception will be raised (HostKeyUnknown). This is in contrast to the "Strict" class, which will silently add the key to your known_hosts file. If the server does appear at least once, but the key given does not match any known for the server, an exception will be raised (HostKeyMismatch). Otherwise, this returns true.


Public Instance

  1. verify

Public Instance methods

verify (arguments)
[show source]
# File lib/net/ssh/verifiers/secure.rb, line 15
def verify(arguments)
  options = arguments[:session].options
  host = options[:host_key_alias] || arguments[:session].host_as_string
  matches = Net::SSH::KnownHosts.search_for(host, arguments[:session].options)

  # We've never seen this host before, so raise an exception.
  if matches.empty?
    process_cache_miss(host, arguments, HostKeyUnknown, "is unknown")

  # If we found any matches, check to see that the key type and
  # blob also match.
  found = matches.any? do |key|
    key.ssh_type == arguments[:key].ssh_type &&
    key.to_blob  == arguments[:key].to_blob

  # If a match was found, return true. Otherwise, raise an exception
  # indicating that the key was not recognized.
  unless found
    process_cache_miss(host, arguments, HostKeyMismatch, "does not match")
