module Net::SSH::Test::Extensions::BufferedIo

  1. lib/net/ssh/test/extensions.rb
Parent: Extensions

An extension to Net::SSH::BufferedIo (assumes that the underlying IO is actually a StringIO). Facilitates unit testing.


select_for_error [RW]

Set this to true if you want the IO to pretend to be in an error state

select_for_error? [RW]

Set this to true if you want the IO to pretend to be in an error state

select_for_write [RW]

Set this to true if you want the IO to pretend to be available for writing

select_for_write? [RW]

Set this to true if you want the IO to pretend to be available for writing

Public Instance methods

select_for_read? ()

Returns true if the position in the stream is less than the total length of the stream.

[show source]
# File lib/net/ssh/test/extensions.rb, line 22
def select_for_read?
  pos < size